MD State Legislators Breakfast
Stuart McAlpine used Psalm 1&2 to suggest that patriotism and prayer were inseparable.
College Fellowship Retreat
Our second college fellowship retreat was held at Osprey Point, MD with over 30 in attendance.
CSLI Annapolis Annual Banquet
Our second annual Annapolis Banquet was held at the DoubleTree Hotel with Dr. Randy Newman as our guest speaker.
College Men's Fellowship Dinner
Each year the men celebrate the gradutes of our men's fellowship by attending a "Graduation Dinner" at the Wine Cellar at Harry Brownes Restaurant.
College Women's Fellowship Tea
Each year the women's fellowship celebrates their graduates at a Tea at Reynold's Tavern.
2017 Year 1 Fellows & Mentors
Here is the 2017 Year 1 Fellows graduation class outside the Brice House where they have met every 1st Saturday sinc last October.
Fellows Graduation Picnic
Here are the all the graduating Fellows and mentors at the annual graduation picnic held in the Paca Gardens.
2017 Year 2 Mentors & Fellows
Here is the 2017 Year 2 graduating class with mentors at the celebration picnic at the Paca Gardens.
2017 Year 2 Fellows & Mentors (Pic 2)
Here is another picture of the 2017 Year 2 graduating class with a few "stragglers" missing from the first photo. :-)
2017 College Associates Graduation Picnic
Here are the 20+ midshipmen who graduated from the 2017 College Associate Program and celebrated with a dinner at the Paca Gardens.
2017 Associates Graduations
Here is our first Associates Graduates from the MACC in Bowie, MD.
Pastor's Luncheon
Over 100 Pastors belong to the Pastor Prayer Network and gather quarterly for lunch and prayer together at the YellowFin Restaurant.
Serving Side-by-Side
Jermaine Brown (SJC '17) and Daniel Sandler-Davison, both alumni of SJC men's fellowship, are serving side-by-side in China with the support of CSLI Annapolis. Daniel and his wife Brandy were also Fellows.
Osprey Point Fellows & Inklings Retreat Sept 2017
Over 35 Fellows, Mentors and Inklings met at Osprey Point, MD for our annual retreat. The time here was bitter-sweet as it may be our last opportunity to meet at Osprey due to the property being up for sale. We are praying that God would provide a buyer that would continue to use this property for Kingdom purposes.
Osprey Point Luncheon....
Another great meat at Osprey Point for our Fellows and Inklings. Sept 2017
Sunset at Osprey Point
We are hoping this is not the last time we will visit Osprey Point, but the sunset during our departure reminded us of so many good memories ... thanks be to God!!
Old Fox Book Lecture Series .. #1
We had our first of two planned lectures at Old Fox Books on Maryland Ave, Annapolis Maryland in September, 2017. Dr. Randy Neuman spoke on "Music: How those beautiful sounds point us to another world!" The event was open to the St. John's College students and friends ... as you can see, it was well received.

Seminar at Old Fox Bookstore
This is a local artist's (Cindy Sullivan) rendition of a recent lecture by Ken Boa to SJC students at Old Fox Books in downtown Annapolis. It captures the spirit of learning at CSLI Annapolis.
Randy Newman at USNA
Randy Newman speaks to several hundred midshipmen at the U.S. Naval Academy on "It's Easy to Miss the Gospel". All were challenged, enlightened, and encouraged to better articulate, defend, and life the gospel of Jesus. :-)
Men's Fellowship Dinner
Eighteen men from Saint John's College attended the annual Christmas Dinner (2017) at Treaty of Paris Restaurant.
Joint College Fellowship
After their respective Christmas dinners (2017), the men and women's fellowship from Saint John's College met at the Aslan House for "make your own sundaes" and board games.
Women's Fellowship Dinner
Thirteen women from Saint John's College attended the annual Christmas Dinner (2017) at Cafe' Normandie.
December 2017 Pastor's Luncheon
Over 30 pastors attending the December Pastor's Luncheon at YellowFin Restaurant to fellowship and pray with one another for the Church and the community.
SJC Annual Retreat 2018
Over 25 students attended the annual SJC retreat at Camp Wabana April 20/21.
SJC Annual Retreat 2018
More than 25 students attending the annual Saint John’s College retreat at Camp Wabanna April 20/21 of 2018.

SJC Men's Fellowship Dinner
SJC Men’s Fellowship celebrate seven graduating seniors at the annual grad dinner on May 1, 2018.
2017-18 Year 1 Fellows
May 5, 2018 Picture of Y1 Fellows and Mentors
May 3rd 2018 Pastor Luncheon
Close to 50 pastors meet on National Day of Prayer to pray for our nation and fellowship with each other.

3rd Annual Annapolis Banquet May 5 2018
Dr. Gerry Root speaks at the 3rd Annual Annapolis Banquet

Dr. Jerry Root at USNA May 6th 2018
Dr. Jerry Root addresses USNA Chapel family

Dr. Jerry Root at USNA Chapel May 6, 2018
Graduation Dinner for SJC Women's Fellowship 5/9/18
Sixteen SJC students gather to celebrate the graduation of six of their members.
USNA College Associate Graduation Dinner
Fourteen College Associates and their mentors meet May 18 at the Paca Gardens for dinner and completion certificates.
USNA College Associates May 2018
Here are our graduation USNA College Associates for 2018-19. This students completed a year-long discipleship curriculum on top of their rigorous senior-year studies at the U.S. Naval Academy.

Laos Update 8/6/18
Alex and Taek give a most informative update on the Father’s work in Laos and their love for the people of Laos and their passion to see them come to know the gospel.

College Associate Retreat 8/25/18
Over 21 College Associates along with mentors kicked off the 2018-19 Associate Program at the Paca Gardens. Stuart and Celia McAlpine spoke on redeeming the time and the rewards of Scripture meditation. The college students then retired in groups of 3-4 to their mentors homes for an overnight of food, fellowship and discussion of their summer readings.

10th CSLI Annapolis Fellows Class 9/8/18
31 Fellows and 16 mentors assemble at Sandy Cove Retreat Center for the 10th CSLI Annapolis Fellows Class.

Mealtime at Sandy Cove 9/8/18
Our 10th CSLI Annapolis Fellows Retreat enjoying a meal at Sandy Cove Retreat Center.

Joint USNA & SJC Fellowship Oct 14.2018
Over thirty college students from SJC and the U.S. Naval Academy held a joint fellowship on Sunday afternoon, Oct 14. The midshipmen were from Officer Christian Fellowship and the Johnnies were from the SJC Christian Fellowship. They shared their experiences being followers of Jesus on their respective campuses.

Ken Boa Dinner Nov 3rd, 2018
Over eighty people attending a dinner with Ken Boa who spoke on C.S. Lewis’ “The Great Divorce”. The even was held at the DoubleTree Hotel where food and fellowship was plenty and Ken Boa was excellent.

December Pastor Luncheon (w/ Spouses)
Over fifty pastors and spouses gathered for lunch and prayer for our nation on Dec 5, 2018 at the YellowFin Restaurant.

SJC Men's Christmas Dinner Dec 4th
Twenty young men from Saint John’s College gathered for dinner, fellowship, and song at the Treaty of Paris Restaurant in Annapolis. These men meet weekly for fellowship.

SJC Women’s Fellowship Dinner 12/18
Sixteen women from the Saint John’s College Christian fellowship attended the annual Christmas dinner at Cafe’ Normandie. These women meet weekly for tea, fellowship, and discussion of the teachings of Jesus.

4th Annual CSLI Annapolis Banquet
Friends of CSLI Annapolis listen to Pastor Sammy Foster

4th Annual CSLI Annapolis Banquet
Friends of CSLI Annapolis listen to Pastor Sammy Foster

4th Annual CSLI Annapolis Banquet
Pastor Sammy Foster teaches on how grace and truth can coexist in our society

2019 SJC men's fellowship
Celebrating the last meeting for the year

Dr. John Lennox, May 2019
Dr. Lennox addresses a nice group concerning “Why am I here?”

Dr. John Lennox, May 2019
Dr. Lennox takes questions from the audience

Year 1 Fellows 2018-19
Commissioning celebration

Year 2 Fellows 2018-19
Commissioning celebration

2019 USNA College Associates

SJC 2019 women's fellowship
Celebrating the year’s last meeting
Dr. Ken Boa
Delivering a powerful message at Bay Area Community Church

Fellows small group
This is where relationships are built…over food!